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Busted! What to do when you lose your focus.

Busted! What to do when you lose your focus.

Have you ever had a day that made you feel as though you’d lost your “mojo” as a liaison? Of course you have…we all have! We have those days where we just aren’t feeling it. The important thing is to press on, and more importantly not to allow those days to linger into multiple days and turn into bad habits. In this week’s Friday From the Field, Kim Grant, a Tiller-Hewitt Regional Manager is busted for having just this sort of day. See how she refocuses and gets back on track!

During the video, Kim mentions planning and being prepared for her office visit (or more accurately, being unprepared). If you don’t have a plan and aren’t prepared, there’s simply no reason to step foot inside the office. Simply showing up does not add value to your providers and their staff. Check out our blog on preparation for more tips on regaining your focus and adding value to every call that you make.