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Disrupt Yourself: The Strategic Growth Imperative

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  • Event Type:General

How to Achieve Radical Success with a Singular Focus

Competitive disruptors have been rearranging the healthcare business for years by focusing on patients as their true customers: not the hospital, not the payers, not the physicians. Your patients are informed consumers with a fast-growing array of options to avoid rigid, confusing and frustrating experiences in favor of disruptors who are making healthcare services more accessible, transparent and easy.

It’s time to stop paying lip-service to the “patient-experience” and make big changes in how care is delivered with new technologies, full provider engagement, streamlined processes and greater transparency.

What must leaders do? The answer: be the driver of disruption within your own organization.

This webinar cracks the code on how to
* Gain buy-in from physicians and other stakeholders to focus on patients as your #1 customer
* Objectively discover and clear barriers with relevant data tools and assessment processe
* Develop the skills and resources your team needs for a successful, rapid-fire response to competitive threats

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  • Price: Varied
  • Registration Instructions: No Registration Required